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Veterinary care assistant
Course fee: £60.00
Accredited by UK Rural Skills

This veterinary care assistant course is set at the equivalent of level 2 study. It follows the standards set for non-professionals that provide medical care for non-human animals. It can be seen as a stepping-stone to full study for an animal nursing qualification.
The aim of the course is to provide an introductory but solid background to care for animals at more than the normal level whilst remaining within UK Law and Legislation (The Veterinary Surgeon's Act 1966).
Who is this course for? Anyone who is working with animals and who wants to progress on to a full animal nursing qualification.
Course fee:
Full fee £60.00
Instalments: these are made by standing order at £20.00 p.c.m. International transactions will incur additional fees.
Course materials are sent via email but paper copies are available for an additional fee of £15 per unit. Postage charges may need to be added depending on your location.
Payment: Click here for payment options & important information
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Course Content
Unit 1 The Basis of Animal Nursing
There are strict rules about what a non-professional can and cannot do to help an injured or sick animal. Unit 1 will teach you these limitations so you can carry out first aid legally and effectively. Unit 1 introduces veterinary nursing terminology, examination and recognition of wound types and appropriate dressings and bandaging.
Unit 2 Anatomy and Physiology
In unit 2, you will learn about basic cell biology, animal tissues, the body cavities and, the skeletal structure of exotics which differ greatly. Veterinary terminology is introduced so you can begin to communicate in a professional manner when talking about animal nursing. Exotic animals are the rabbit, the bird and the reptile.
The learning in this unit will support the other units and future studies for animal nursing.
Unit 3 Disease and Hygiene
This is a vital unit to study as it is all about organisms that live off a host to the extend that harm is done to that host. Some parasites are transferable between the non-human and human animal and these are called zoonoses. Unit 3 will support further learning as well as provide an insight into how to prevent zoonotic transmission through effective hygiene.
Assessment for this course is to build a portfolio of evidence by answering questions, carrying out research for tasks and exercises and short essay-type answers.