Book Shop

Welcome to our new pre-owned (second-hand) Book Shop! All the books are linked to biology in some way such as anatomy, ecology, communication, microbiology or animal care. Whether you are a student, researcher or just someone with a passion for learning, you are sure to find something of interest here.
Many of the books available been reviewed for the Royal Society of Biology and some published in their journal The Biologist.
Our books
£5.00 incl. UK Delivery


Hamster Written by Sue Fox. Published 2008.
Six chapters. Publsihed by Interpret Publishing.
ISBN 978-1842861837
£5.00 incl. UK Delivery


Guineapiglopaedia written by Margaret Elward & Mette Ruelokke.
Published 2003.
Eleven chapters. Published by Ringpress Books.
ISBN 978 1 86054 251 0
£5.00 incl. UK Delivery


Catlopaedia Written by J. M. Evans & Kay White.
Published 1997.
Eleven chapters. Published by Ringpress Books.
ISBN 186054018X